
Dear Families,

Thank you for your support as we navigate this school year. Teaching with children physically in front of us is what all of us were trained to do.  Remote learning has been a challenge.  Hopefully you have seen all our efforts to provide instruction to our students.  It is our job to teach and our staff has embraced this.  Please know they are using best practices to address individual student needs, differentiating where and when they can and are keeping record of how your child is doing throughout this online learning. 

The State of Connecticut has identified what a student needs to have done to be considered having attended school.  They need to be present for at least 50% of the school day.  This is measured by the amount of classwork they complete as well as attendance in the live zoom sessions.  It would be best that your child comes to every live session offered throughout the day.  Teachers and staff are monitoring assignments completion and are reaching out to families if these assignments are not complete and if we are not seeing the students on the screen.

Teachers at Plainfield Memorial try their best to connect with families. They do this through Class Dojo, email, Zoom Chat, Google Chat and phone calls.  Please know they are teaching and may not be able to respond to parents during the live sessions.  Office hours for staff are scheduled for the beginning and end of the day.  If you are having an immediate concern, please call the Main Office and we will do our best to assist.

Please know we are working hard as a district to be able to bring the students back into the building.  For now, we need your continued support in having your child connect and complete assignments.

Your partner in education,

Natasha Hutchinson